Tackling young people's debt woes: financial planning and self-improvement

The contemporary problem of young people s indebtedness is a real concern, especially in light of factors such as economic uncertainty and high housing prices. ...

Jul 28,2023 | Ariel

Tackling young people's debt woes: financial planning and self-improvement

The contemporary problem of young people's indebtedness is a real concern, especially in light of factors such as economic uncertainty and high housing prices. Below are perspectives on the issue as well as some solutions:

OPINION: The issue of young people's indebtedness loan is a common challenge that involves education loans, mortgages, credit card debt, and more. This can adversely affect their financial situation, quality of life and future plans.

Education Debt: Many young people are saddled with education loans as they pursue higher levels of education. In addressing this issue, consider setting up a sensible repayment plan, seeking loan options with lower interest rates, and seeking financial assistance in the form of scholarships or bursaries to ease the burden.

Home Purchase: Rising home prices have led to greater financial pressure on young people to purchase a home. Ways to address this include choosing a home that suits their financial situation, considering sharing economy models such as co-tenancy or co-housing, or seeking government housing subsidies or support programmes.

Spending habits: Young people should manage their spending habits prudently and avoid unnecessary and extravagant expenses. Create a sensible budget and stick to it, limit the use of credit cards and instalments, develop financial awareness and focus on saving and investing.

Seek support and advice: If facing serious debt ploan problems, young people should proactively seek professional financial advice. Counselling professionals can provide personalised solutions and help with repayment plans, debt consolidation or restructuring to reduce interest rates and repayment pressure.

Enhance employment competitiveness: Actively upgrade your skills and education to increase your employment competitiveness for better job opportunities and salary packages. This can be done by continuing education, attending training courses, broadening social networks, etc.

Seek opportunities to increase income: Young people can consider working part-time, freelancing, starting a business or launching a side hustle to add additional sources of income to ease financial pressure and accelerate debt repayment.

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