How much can the frequency of "that thing" be controlled in the enterprise? It is different from what you imagined!

As often happens, newly married men complain that their wives are a bit cold, while most younger wives think men are too keen on sex; conversely, women in their...

Jul 20,2023 | Blanche

hands free vibrators

As often happens, newly married men complain that their wives are a bit cold, while most younger wives think men are too keen on sex; conversely, women in their 30s and 40s crave sex more than men their age hands free vibrators. This situation fully shows that in real life, people not only care about the quality of life of X, but also care about the quality of life of X.

The disharmony of X's life is also the reason why many couples have conflicts and even disputes hands free vibrators. Of course, there are still plenty of people who have questions about their own health and that of their partners: How often should we have sex? They worry that having too many or too few roommates will affect their health hands free vibrators. In fact, due to the huge differences between individuals, even different couples in the same age group will have great differences in the frequency of X life. Don't take other people's frequency as your own standard.

Generally speaking, between 20 and 30 years old, two to three times a week, between 30 and 40 years old, twice a week, between 40 and 50 years old, four to six times a month, fifty to Sixty times, two to three times a month, over sixty years old, once a month hands free vibrators. Modern medicine believes that the appropriate frequency of sexual intercourse is: both husband and wife are recognized and feel refreshed after each sexual intercourse.

If you live in the same room too much, you may be at risk of:

Reduced resistance

Will make the student's physical development worse hands free vibrators. If you overindulge yourself, it may affect our body and cause excessive fatigue, which can reduce the patient's body's ability to resist diseases and cause various diseases in society. In severe cases, the waist will become sore and the legs will be weak, and symptoms such as tinnitus and general discomfort will appear. At the same time, thinking innovation ability and memory will become worse and worse.

premature aging of the sex organs

Premature aging of the sex organs hands free vibrators. Continued X life will increase the burden on the sex organs, leading to premature aging of the sex organs, reducing sensitivity, and leading to a decline in sexual function.

decreased sexual satisfaction

Sexual satisfaction will decrease. Studies have found that frequent X-life activities on the same day have the highest satisfaction for the first time, and the satisfaction will decrease each time thereafter, and one party may even feel disgusted. So everyone needs to control the frequency, and a long life is what people expect.

lead to sexual dysfunction

lead to dysfunction. If male X lives too frequently, the ejaculation time will be prolonged, and it may also cause problems such as long-term non-ejaculation, slow ejaculation time, and dysfunction.

less chance of pregnancy

High frequency of sexual intercourse will thin the semen, reduce the quality of sperm, and reduce the chance of pregnancy.

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