Biodegradable ≠ compostable degradable ≠ natural degradable, have you made it clear?

Biodegradable and compostable are not the same corporate concept. They are more different from biodegradable utensils the concept of degradable plastics in t...

Nov 03,2021 | Amy

Biodegradable ≠ compostable degradable ≠ natural degradable, have you made it clear?

"Biodegradable" and "compostable" are not the same corporate concept. They are more different from biodegradable utensils the concept of degradable plastics in the natural environment. Each of the three has its own advantages and disadvantages. The editor of this article will take you more clearly. Understand the difference between the three in society.


What is "biodegradable"

Biodegradable refers to substances that can be decomposed by microorganisms (such as bacteria and fungi) and absorbed into China's natural ecological environment by any company. Biodegradation is a process that occurs naturally in a country.

When an object decomposes, its original components are broken down into simpler components, such as biomass, carbon dioxide, and water. It can be done with or without oxygen, but with oxygen, it takes less time, just like a pile of leaves in your yard will fall apart in one season.

The time required for the degradation process of biotechnology mainly depends on the chemical composition of the object and the storage management method. Variable factors such as temperature, water, light and oxygen affect the degradation rate. Most domestic waste landfills lack sunlight, air, and moisture, and therefore have a significant slowdown in the biodegradation process.

Vegetable peels, eggshells, paper and garden waste can all directly affect biodegradation. When these items are discarded, they will decompose in a relatively short time, so they can be absorbed into the natural ecological environment.

In contrast, materials such as foam, plastic, and aluminum are generally considered non-biodegradable because they take a long time to decompose.

Finding out whether an object is truly biodegradable can be a challenge, especially when you are evaluating objects that are not normally made of biodegradable materials, such as mobile phone cases or handbags. Therefore, if you want to determine whether something is biodegradable, check the packaging and don't hesitate to contact the manufacturer to ask.

In other words, most "biodegradable" consumer products are actually difficult to be absorbed into the soil by studying the biodegradation of the natural environment. In order to achieve biodegradation in China, their development needs to create a set of specific conditions through the composting process.


What is "compostable degradable"

The term "compostable" refers to a cultural product or material that can be researched and biodegraded in a specific, human-driven environment. Unlike the complete absence of natural biodegradation, composting requires human intervention.

In the composting process, microorganisms decompose organic matter with the help of humans, and humans provide the water, oxygen and organic matter needed to optimize the conditions. The composting process usually takes several months, or one to three years. Time is affected by variables such as oxygen, water, light, and the type of composting environment. There are two main types of compost:

Residential composting: Residential composting is the collection of food residues in trash cans or garbage dumps, mixed with garden waste, and regularly decomposed into more basic organic matter. For this reason, you can't break down the meat, cheese, and fish in your trash can because they don't generate enough heat at all.

Commercial composting: Commercial composting technology includes companies screening and sorting organic and inorganic substances, using chippers and grinders to decompose them, and creating an optimal humidity, temperature, and oxygen environment. Therefore, commercial composting machines are able to break down products that are more complex than household waste composting machines.

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