Why does eczema recur after treatment?

The delicate skin of infants and young children is easily affected by dietary and environmental factors, making them susceptible to eczema. However, do you know...

Nov 22,2023 | Amy

Why does eczema recur after treatment?

The delicate skin of infants and young children is easily affected by dietary and environmental factors, making them susceptible to eczema. However, do you know that eczema is not exclusive to children, adults also suffer from eczema, and data in Hong Kong shows that there are about 150,000 patients with severe eczema, due to a variety of factors leading to the condition of eczema treatment is slow to heal or even recurring. Severe eczema can affect daily life and work, and the patient's physical and mental health are affected.

Eczema treatment without proper care

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will combine the patient's condition and physique to formulate a more reasonable treatment plan. However, during eczema treatment, personal care is equally important, especially moisturizing and skin cleansing, and if the patient does not do this properly, the treatment may be affected. If the patient fails to do this properly, the treatment may be affected. The skin may even become too dry, which may breed bacteria and cause the condition to become recurrent. Do not use too hot water to bathe, and moisturize the skin well, combined with medication to ensure the efficacy of the treatment.

Eczema treatment pay attention to environmental changes

Changes in the environment and climate will affect the effectiveness of eczema treatment. Moisturizing the skin can improve the skin's resistance, in addition to applying skin lotion, ensure that the indoor humidity is not too dry. Keep your home clean, and pay special attention to pillowcases, mattress covers, and other areas that are prone to mites, which need to be cleaned on a regular basis. During the humid season, attention should be paid to dehumidification, and the use of specialized equipment can avoid the growth of mold and mildew.

Eczema treatment requires consistent use of medication

In addition to the above measures, eczema treatment needs to be in accordance with the doctor's instructions under the use of medication, with the advancement of medical technology, oral preparations for eczema has been a good treatment, within a short period of time can improve the symptoms, but some patients found that the situation has improved or the symptoms disappeared immediately stop taking medication, this behavior is quite dangerous because eczema is very easy to come back. This is dangerous because eczema can easily come back. Therefore, eczema treatment should be continued, not stopped immediately, but gradually reduce the dosage according to the doctor's advice.


eczema treatment

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