It is important to know that the total number of bacteria on a dishcloth is up to 500 billion! This is a data released by the CDC.In fact, not only their own di...
Sep 25,2023 | Silverdew
It is important to know that the total number of bacteria on a dishcloth is up to 500 billion! This is a data released by the CDC.
In fact, not only their own dishcloth, your kitchen often use pots and pans, bottles and jars, if not properly maintained and managed, all have a may have become a breeding ground for bacteria!
Today we will teach you PK tactics to fight with bacteria.
Indeed, dishcloths and tableware commonly used in the kitchen and bathroom are not only susceptible to bacteria in a humid environment,kitchen sponge price but also contaminated with bacteria during the cleaning process.
Therefore, if the cleaning and disinfection of tableware is not thorough, it is easy to cause "oral bacteria", burying health risks.
In particular, family members with low resistance or carriers of germs should pay more attention to tableware disinfection in order to reduce the corresponding health risks.
1. High temperature, simple and efficient
Boiling: Cleaned and processed tableware can be put into a pot, add some tap water to submerge the tableware, and continue to boil for 2-5 minutes after boiling, and then naturally cool it down to be ready for use through.
Steaming: Put the tableware in the cage drawer, boil water and steam for 5-10 minutes to achieve the purpose of disinfection.
2. Sterilizer, the savior of non-heat-resistant tableware
Some tableware is not resistant to high temperature, such as glass or plastic beer, it is easy to heat burst, deformation. These tableware can be soaked in bleach, chloramine and potassium permanganate and other disinfectants.
For example, chloramine is a disinfectant with broad-spectrum bactericidal ability, which can kill bacterial propagules, viruses, fungi and bacterial spores. It is suitable for disinfecting drinking utensils, foodstuffs, all kinds of utensils, fruits and vegetables, as well as cleaning wounds and mucous membranes.
When disinfecting tableware, note that the liquid when soaking must be no more than tableware, and through the liquid quality concentration should be in accordance with the provisions can require us to use. For example, bleach with 0.5% clarified solution, hepatitis patients patients tableware to use 3% bleach clarified solution.
Common methods of disinfection are soaking and wiping, soaking time is enough, usually need 15-30 minutes. After soaking, rinse with water, preferably with tap water to avoid residual disinfectant.
3. Sterilizer, smart multi-faceted
If you prefer intelligent disinfection, then you can choose disinfection cabinet disinfection. Commonly used disinfection principles are ozone, ultraviolet, high-temperature heating, infrared high temperature, ultraviolet plus ozone.
Sterilizers on the market today are generally divided into two grades, one-star and two-star.
One-star disinfection cabinet, only on the E. coli bacteria have disinfection work effect;
Two-star disinfection cabinet, on the E. coli polio virus has a disinfection effect.
Households with infants and young children, weaker people, hepatitis, kidney failure, tumors and a variety of basic diseases, you can purchase two-star disinfection cabinets.
In addition, the purchase can check the product record on the relevant information platform of the provincial health supervision department where the manufacturer is located, rather than just listening to the company's introduction.
Rising! When using a sterilizer to disinfect, you should refer to the product manual. The disinfection effect can only be achieved if the specified disinfection time is reached.
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