Premium Quality Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter for Your Heart

Measuring blood pressure is quite challenging if anyone has white coat hypertension. But not anymore. Edan has made an innovative Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holt...

Nov 17,2022 | SHERRY

Premium Quality Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter for Your Heart

Ambulatory Blood Pressure monitoring is a way of measuring blood pressure during the everyday routine, daily activities, and sleep. It provides accurate information on a person’s BP than the single recordings obtained in a clinic. But before buying an ABP Holter, you need to understand its functions and which is the best company for buying this. Here is a small guide that will clear your doubts and help you to understand why exactly you need this device:

What is an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter?

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter is a revolutionary new technique for measuring blood pressure at regular intervals over 24 or 48 hours. The person can undergo normal day-to-day activity and the person can sleep while wearing the device. It has a portable monitor that needs to be worn on a belt connected to a standard cuff on the upper arm of the person. The Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter helps to detect systolic, diastolic, blood pressure and heart rate.

How Ambulatory Blood Pressure Machine Works?

ABP Holter is a special device that provides a complete record of your blood pressure for either 24 or 48 hours. Ambulatory Blood Pressure provides fundamentally different information than the usual information a doctor gets by measuring the blood pressure in the clinic. As you know, our BP fluctuates depending on the situation, so it may sometimes provide inaccurate information while sitting in the clinic. But Ambulatory Blood Pressure monitor helps to obtain the exact information as they are obtained by a wide range of activities as well as the situation.

How Ambulatory Blood Pressure Machine Works

Why is an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter Needed?

Ambulatory Blood Pressure measurement provides information over and above standard blood pressure measurement. It helps doctors to understand the patient’s condition. The other reasons for ABP monitoring are as follows-

The device helps doctors in assessing patients with White Coat Hypertension

It helps in measuring nighttime blood pressure, which is a major health risk indicator.

This monitoring device helps to reduce the chances of misdiagnosis.

It helps to get a more detailed blood pressure profile.

It is better for drug treatments.

How to Take Readings of the Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurements?

The device is generally used to diagnose hypertension and it requires a different approach for taking the readings of your blood pressure recordings. You can diagnose whether you have hypertension or not if the average blood pressure go beyond one of the following values-

Twenty-four hours average: In this scenario, Systolic blood pressure needs to be above 135 mmHg or the diastolic BP above 80 mmHg.

Average for the awake hours: In this scenario, the systolic blood pressure needs to be above 124 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg.

Average for the asleep hours: In this situation, Systolic blood pressure needs to be above 124 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure above 75 mmHg.

Where to Buy Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter?

Various countries across the world are offering a different type of Ambulatory BP Holter, but at Edan, we offer the high-quality and innovative Holter machine. Our ABP Holter analysis will streamline your experience with customizable workflow and intelligent morphology analysis. At Edan, we built a cutting-edge denoise technology that will assist doctors with a much easier diagnosis. You can send us an email with your queries to know the price of our all-new Ambulatory Blood Pressure Holter. We provide a competitive price for our healthcare devices.


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