Is academic performance related to family background?

Let’s talk about the superior family background first. Children from superior families do not get good grades. This view is somewhat biased. This situation usua...

Nov 02,2021 | Fairy

Is academic performance related to family background?

Let’s talk about the superior family background first.

Children from superior families do not get good grades. This view is somewhat biased. This situation usually occurs in ordinary wealthy families, where the education level of the parents is not very high. In such a family, children will feel that their parents are not well-educated and they can live well? Due to their limited ability to educate their children, their parents cannot properly guide their children, or due to their limited energy and no time to take care of their children, children do not pay attention to learning. Poor grades, spend more money to go to three universities.

But this is not the case for all kids in good backgrounds. This situation only accounts for a small part, because the parents with low education and the ability to live a wealthy family are limited. Most of the children from well-off families have obtained decent and stable jobs, such as civil servants or teachers, through study and struggle when they were young. Special attention is paid to the cultivation of children's learning. Data shows that most of the children who can go to 985211 now come from such families. In addition, wealthy and expensive families, wealthy families, rarely have ignorant children, but their children receive a stricter education than ordinary families from an early age, the so-called elite education.

Because they have sufficient financial strength to provide their children with superior educational opportunities, their grades cannot be described as good, they can only be described as excellent and outstanding ive civil engineering.

Let’s talk about the poor family first.

It is also divided into two aspects. A kind of poor family, parents do not have extra time and energy to manage the survival of their children. For example, some left-behind children have no discipline for a long time, they can only grow up at will, and have no intention of learning. Most people graduate from junior high school or even drop out earlier, and then repeat the fate of the previous generation. Come to survive. But poverty is a double-edged sword. It can also inspire another kind of people to study hard to get rid of the misfortunes of their families.

In the past, it was always said that adversity brought talents, and poor people gave birth to precious children. This was the kind of children who knew how to change their destiny through reading, and the harder the conditions, the more hard they were. These children are very few now, so they are more valuable. Proportionally speaking, children with good backgrounds are now more likely to go to good colleges.

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