What does the salivary acid in bird's nest actually do? What role does it play?

Salivary acid, as we all know, serves as the conventional bird s nest s primary functional component. The major bioactive component of bird s nest, salivary aci...

Jul 31,2023 | SABRINA

sialic acid

Salivary acid, as we all know, serves as the conventional bird's nest's primary functional component. The major bioactive component of bird's nest, salivary acid, has the effect of infant formula ingredients feeding Yin, moistening dryness, tonifying the center, and enhancing vital energy. This is the most significant function of bird's nest as a nourishing diet. One of the most crucial elements of colostrum, which is crucial for the immune system and early brain development of babies, is sialic acid.

Breast milk and dairy products are sialic acid the primary sources of salivary acid in humans. Infant milk powder often contains breast milk colostrum, which has a concentration of 1.5g per L or so, which is the highest among human milk, cow's milk, goat's milk, yogurt, and cheese. Whey protein has a sialic acid glycoprotein concentration of 172 mg per 100 grams on average. The egg meal is a significant source of sialic acid. There is 0.2–0.3% sialic acid in egg white. A well-known nutritional supplement is bird's nest. The primary bioactive component of bird's nest is termed "bird's nest acid," which is just another name for salivary acid. Because bird's nest contains the highest concentration of salivary acid, it has the popular moniker "bird's nest acid" because of this. As a result, it is referred to as "Bird's Nest Acid".

In terms of sialic acid concentration, one gram of dha algal oil bird's nest is about similar to ten eggs, and the absorption impact of bird's nest will be greater than that of eggs.

The brain tissue contains a lot of sialic acid. Supplementing with bird's nest can help manage conditions including neurasthenia, nervous exhaustion, anxious sleeplessness brought on by mental exhaustion, and more. Salivary acid can help the fetal brain grow when pregnant women consume bird's nest. Salivary acid from eating bird's nest can foster cerebral growth and stave against dementia in middle-aged and elderly adults.

sialic acid

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