The process of tasting a glass of whisky is just like a feeling of life

Whisky circle has been circulating the saying: life is like a glass of whisky, only to drink it, you will know what kind of tasteWatch the color: before tastin...

Feb 22,2023 | Demi

The process of tasting a glass of whisky is just like a feeling of life

Whisky circle has been circulating the saying: "life is like a glass of whisky, only to drink it, you will know what kind of taste

Watch the color: before tasting a glass of whisky, we will generally first check the color of the whisky presented, but we seem to have long beenwhisky course accustomed to running around in a busy life, basically no time to stop and watch the things around you, if we can appreciate the color of whisky as the landscape of life, perhaps more from life to feel the happiness of the ordinary but beautiful.

Tasting aroma: the second step in tasting whisky is to experience the aroma of the liquid in the glass layer by layer, to capture to identify the coincidental flavor, which requires patience and imagination. If we can slow down, occasionally stop to taste the fragrance of flowers and fragrances around like whisky, slow down to pay attention to the surrounding people and things, you may find that you are actually surrounded by many beautiful things, you will find that life is still blooming with elegant, blooming flowers.

Mouth shallow taste: before the whisky will be a drink, we will generally be accustomed to shallow taste a small mouthful of liquid in the mouth, in order to experience its unique flavor. But in a busy life, occasionally want to try different challenges, perhaps also like the mouth shallow sip of whisky to understand their own abilities and experience, and then set their own goals and direction to meet the greater challenges carpet and hard floor steam cleaner in life.

Sip: after a light taste, then take a big sip, moisten the liquor in your mouth, feel when the liquor wrapped around the palate, after sliding down the throat, the unforgettable taste of a different taste. This is just like in life, in our practice of what we like, when we are dedicated to it, enjoy the experience brought to us at the moment, whether it is bitter sweet, are worth collecting and memory, do not forget, even if life is busy, but also to leave yourself time to taste life.

End rhyme: the final step in tasting whisky, is to experience the moment of the end rhyme, which is the nose and taste buds together and resonate with the beautiful moment, as in life in the past all kinds of things represent what we have Kids21experienced, but no matter what the outcome of the process, we have to remember, whether it is a favorite or dislike the taste, only after the feeling will allow us to find their own path in life.

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