Writing a topic outline.An outline is an important tool for youto use to create your speeches. an outline is like a blueprint that abuilder uses when he builds ...
Nov 26,2021 | Joanna
Writing a topic outline.An outline is an important tool for youto use to create your speeches. an outline is like a blueprint that abuilder uses when he builds a house. a builder follows a plan in order to avoidmistakes and to have the finished product turn out the way it should. anoutline helps you organize your thoughts and prevents you from rambling. a topicoutline is a systematic arrangement of ideas using words and phrases forheadings and subheadings.in the standard system of subdividing,you mark your main points with Romannumerals 1 2 3 etcindent the next level of supportingmaterials underneath and mark withcapital letters a B C etc.Go to Arabic numerals 1 2 3 etc in thesecond level subdivision,use small letters next in thethird-level subdivision,use parentheses with numbers and lettersif you need to be more detailed.Each time you subdivide a point youindent.
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