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Writing subject outline

Writing a topic outline.An outline is an important tool for youto use to create your speeches. an outline is like a blueprint that abuilder uses when he builds ...

Nov 26,2021 | Joanna

Writing subject outline

Writing a topic outline.An outline is an important tool for youto use to create your speeches. an outline is like a blueprint that abuilder uses when he builds a house. a builder follows a plan in order to avoidmistakes and to have the finished product turn out the way it should. anoutline helps you organize your thoughts and prevents you from rambling. a topicoutline is a systematic arrangement of ideas using words and phrases forheadings and the standard system of subdividing,you mark your main points with Romannumerals 1 2 3 etcindent the next level of supportingmaterials underneath and mark withcapital letters a B C etc.Go to Arabic numerals 1 2 3 etc in thesecond level subdivision,use small letters next in thethird-level subdivision,use parentheses with numbers and lettersif you need to be more detailed.Each time you subdivide a point youindent.


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Each heading should have at least twosubdivisions or none at all. for every Ayou need a B, for every 1 you need a 2.generally outlines have the followingparts: objectives, general purpose,: statewhether you are going to inform, topersuade, or to entertain.specific purpose: state what you plan toinform to persuade or to entertain theaudience about. central idea: state in asentence what you want your audience toremember or the point you want to getacross. title: your outline should have atitle but you do not actually say thetitle in your speech.purposes and central idea. include thesestatements in your outline to keepfocused on your speaking tasks.Introduction and conclusion: theseelements are so important in a speechthat they deserve special attention.these elements are independent of thebody of the speech and have their ownnumbering sequence.body: each main point is identified byRoman numerals.Transitions: transitions are words,phrases, or sentences that help thelistener understand the logicalconnections between ideas and thoughts,transitions are labeled and placed inparentheses, transitions are not includedin the numbering system of the outline.Bibliography:this section lists the sources that youused in preparing the speech. use astandard format.Visual aids: briefly describe the visualaids you plan to use.This completes this learning activity,Writing a topic outline.

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